2013 Summer Conference

July 18-21, 2013, Anchorage, AK


The 35th Annual 2013 ACR Summer Conference!


Message from the President

Calling ALL ACR members:

The “Who’s Who” session of the conference is open to all ACR members thanks to John Martinez of New Mexico. There will be no charge for this service.

We are limited to 25 people in the room at a time. We’ll first need a head count as to how many members will be able to participate.

Please take the quick survey ONLY if you plan to attend the Who’s Who, What’s New session


First check the time to see if you are available on Friday July 19

Time in Anchorage, Alaska


Time Zone Converter


9:15   am – 10:00 am Introductions:   Who’s Who and What’s New


10:30   am – 12:15 am Who’s   Who and What’s New Continued…


Those who wish to participate, please send me a “What’s New” pdf of a Word or PowerPoint document no later than Tuesday, July 16, 2013, to use during the Webinar and post to the ACR website.

In it, include: Your Name & Photo;  State and what’s new

If more than 25 sign up we will use the split session times and tell you when to participate.

John will be letting members know how to access the Webinar next week!

Scott Cancelosi

ACR President

Posted July 12, 2013


  1. Deborah Behr, Alaska Department of Law, Chief Assistant Attorney General and Regulations Attorney
  2. Alberta Bennett, Colorado Department of State
  3. Scott Cancelosi, Secretary of State Public Services Division
  4. Jane Chaffin, Virginia Division of Legislative Services
  5. Chris Coffman, Oklahoma Secretary of State’s Office
  6. Jeffrey W. Hague, State of Delaware Legislative Council
  7. Ken Hansen, Utah Division of Administrative Rules
  8. Brad Hunt, State of Idaho, Office of the Administrative Rules Coordinator
  9. Maurren Lewis, Colorado Department of State
  10. Diana Maiolo, Colorado Secretary of State
  11. John Martinez, State Records Center & Archives State Records Administrator
  12. Scott Meriwether, Alasksa Administrative Code Coordinator, Alaska Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  13. Debra Morrell, Administrative Rules of Montana
  14. Michael Zimmer, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Chief Deputy Director
  15. Kerry Radcliff, Statute Law Committee, Code Reviser’s Office
  16. Yvette Smallwood, State of Delaware Legislative Council, Assistant Registrar of Regulations
  17. Paula Wilson, Idaho Attorney General’s Office, Paralegal
  18. Julie Yamaka, Oregon Secretary of State, Archives Division




Thank you

Karen Schneider, Bloomberg BNA;

Kathy Hough and Crystal Bryant, of Wolters Kluwer Law & Business; and

Bob Smits, Thomson Reuters.

Thank you Brian Kennedy of LexisNexis for sponsoring our Thursday night dinner

Message from the 2013 Conference Chair


I hope you’re all making plans to attend NASS/ACR 2013 in Anchorage, Alaska in July! All conference events will take place at Anchorage’s Dena’ina Convention Center. ACR’s meetings will be held in Tubughnenq’ 3 which is on the second floor of the convention center. Vendors’ exhibits will be one floor up in the Tikahtnu Foyer. Brad and I have been working to put together an exciting and informational ACR conference agenda which we hope you will enjoy.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all in Anchorage!

– Julie Yamaka (OR) and Brad Hunt (ID)


Registration is open. Click here

Check-in and Registration at Conference

Available here!


Reserve your room now!

Hotel Captain Cook

The Hotel Captain Cook was built in the 1960s shortly after the 1964 earthquake that rocked Anchorage, AK.

The Hotel Captain Cook was built in the 1960s shortly after the 1964 earthquake that rocked Anchorage, AK.

To make reservations, call 1-800-843-1950 and use the code “NASS2013”, or click here. You can cancel your reservation at the Hotel Captain Cook up to 24 hours in advance of your arrival, without paying a penalty. The rate at the Captain Cook is $181 per night.

Hilton Anchorage – To make reservations, call 907-272-7411 and use the code “NASS”. You can cancel your reservation at the Hilton up to 48 hours in advance of your arrival, without paying a penalty. The rate at the Hilton Anchorage is $213 per night and that is the per diem rate for 2013. (this information is not yet posted online)

For information visit www.nass.org.


Virgin America

APRIL 6, 2012, Virgin America announced they’re now offering a sale ($177 to $199 ) on one-way fares for flights between San Francisco and Anchorage for travel between June 6 and September 9 if you book by April 8, 2012.


Thursday, July 18

Travel day

NASS Welcome Reception

6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Hotel Captain Cook, Quarter Deck


7:15pm  LexisNexis sponsored dinner
Place: Hotel Captain Cook, Club Room II

After a long day of travel, ACR members enjoy a meal sponsored by LexisNexis.

After a long day of travel, ACR members enjoy a meal sponsored by LexisNexis.


Friday, July 19

ACR meetings are in Tubughnenq’ 3 which is on the 2nd floor

  8:00 am –   9:00 am ACR Officers and Regional Representatives Working Breakfast – Tikahtnu A
  9:00 am –   9:15 am ACR Welcoming Session by Scott Cancelosi, ACR President
Introduction of Officers
  9:15 am – 10:00 am Introductions: Who’s Who and What’s New

Brad Hunt shares what's new in Idaho. Apparently Dennis caught a fish "this big."

Brad Hunt shares what’s new in Idaho. Apparently Dennis caught a fish “this big.”

See below for list of representatives during this session.

10:00 am – 10:30 am Morning Break – Tikahtnu Foyer
10:30 am – 12:15 am Who’s Who and What’s New Continued…
See below for list of representatives during this session.
12:15 am –  1:30 pm NASS Conference Luncheon – Tikahtnu A (3rd floor)
  1:45 pm –  3:00 pm Friday, July 19 ~ First Business Meeting – Minutes (to be posted after conference)
First Business Meeting Agenda

ACR First Business Meeting
Anchorage Alaska Friday, July 19, 2013
1:45 pm – 3 p.m.

1. Call to order – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

2. Welcome and Roll Call – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi


  • Jane Chaffin, VA
  • Jeff Hague, DE
  • Yvette Smallwood, DE
  • Kerry Radcliff, WA
  • Deb Morrel, MT
  • Chris Coffman, OK
  • Paula Wilson, ID
  • Brad Hunt, ID
  • Maurren Lewis, WV
  • Kenneth Hansen, UT
  • John Hyrum Martinez, NM
  • Julie Yamaka, OR
  • Deanna Maiolo, CO
  • Scott Cancelosi, AZ
  • Michael Zimmer, MI (absent)

3. Treasurer’s Report – submitted by Emily Caudill, Secretary/Treasurer; reported by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

4. Survey Report – ACR Vice President, Kerry S. Radcliff
Sales of State and Federal Survey Grand Total = 41

  • November 2012 9
  • December 2012 17
  • January 2013 4
  • February 2013 8
  • March 2013 0
  • April 2013 1
  • May 2013 1
  • June 2013 0
  • July 2013 1


5. Bylaws Review – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

6. ACR Website Committee Report – Jeff Hague and Jane Chaffin, Web Committee

7. Announcements and Retirements See also, resolutions and certificates.

8. New Business

9. Adjourn

  3:00 pm –  3:15 pm Afternoon break – Tikahtnu Foyer
  3:15 pm –  5:00 pm Website Redesign – Designing with the end-user in mind, Strategies for State Agencies –  Suzanne Jorgensen, Oregon NIC
Presentation in pdf

Suzanne Jorgensen explains the process to Web design as it relates to mobile devices and accesibility.

Suzanne Jorgensen explains the process to Web design as it relates to mobile devices and accesibility.

  6:30 pm –   10:00 pm Alaska Native Heritage Center Dinner – meet in your hotel lobby (Captain Cook/Hilton Anchorage). Buses depart at 6:30p.m.

ACR members learned how native Alaskans survive the elements at the Cultural Center. Members were greeted with a native dance.

ACR members learned how native Alaskans survive the elements at the Cultural Center. Members were greeted with a native dance.


Saturday, July 20

ACR meetings are in Tubughnenq’ 3 which is on the 2nd floor

  9:00 am – 10:00 am Archiving Administrative Rules as Public Records –  John Martinez, New Mexico State Archivist
10:00 am – 10:30 am Morning break –  Tikahtnu Foyer
10:45 am – 11:45 am Workshop on Cybersecurity – Joint Session with NASS – Tikahtnu C
Notes in pdf
12:00 pm –   1:30 pm NASS Conference IDEAS Award Luncheon – Tikahtnu A (3rd floor)
1:45 pm –   3:30 pm Alaska Rule Making –  Scott Meriwether, Alaska Code and Deborah Behr, Assistant Attorney General and Regulations Attorney
2:45 pm –   3:00 pm Afternoon break – Tikahtnu Foyer
3:30 pm –   5:00 pm What Mobile Apps Mean for Digital Publishing –  Aaron Morse, Catapult Consulting
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Explore Anchorage on your own


Sunday, July 21

ACR meetings are in Tubughnenq’ 3 which is on the 2nd floor

9:00 am – 10:00 am ACR Second Business Meeting  Minutes (to be posted after conference) Anchorage Alaska Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:45 pm – 3 p.m.1. Call to order – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi 2. Welcome and Roll Call – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

  • Attendance:
  • Alberta Bennett, CO
  • Scott Cancelosi, AZ
  • Jane Chaffin, VA
  • Chris Coffman, OK
  • Jeffrey Hague, DE
  • Ken Hansen, UT
  • Brad Hunt, ID
  • Maurren Lewis, WV
  • Diana Maiolo, CO (absent)
  • John Martinez, NM
  • Debra Morrell, MT
  • Kerry Radcliff, WA
  • Yvette Smallwood, DE
  • Paula Wilson, ID
  • Julie Yamaka, OR
  • Michael Zimmer, MI
  • Kathy Hough, Wolters Kluwer, non-voting member

2. Awards Committee Report – See also, resolutions and certificates. ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

3. ACR Program Committee Report – Committee Members, Julie Yamaka and Brad Hunt

4. Decision on proposed bylaw changes – ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

5. Winter Meeting 2014

6. Other Business

7. Adjourn

10:00 am – 10:15 am Morning break
10:15 am –11:45 am Performance Measures Roundtable, “What is it you do again?: How do you Communicate the Value of Your Program” – Moderated by Ken Hansen, UtahThe following are pdfs that were used in part of the discussion.

12:00 pm –  1:30 pm NASS Conference Leadership Luncheon – Tikahtnu A (3rd floor)
1:45 pm –  2:45 pm Colborn Award Presentation and Demonstration – Presented by Ken Hansen, Utah
2:45 pm –  3:15 pm Closing Comments – Adjourn
3:30 pm –  12:00 am Prince William Sound Glacier Cruise and Dinner – Meet in your hotel lobby (Captain Cook/Hilton Anchorage). Buses depart at 3:30p.m. Guests will return to Anchorage at 12:00a.m. Travelers departing Alaska on red eye flights should plan accordingly.

Who’s Who and What’s New





American Samoa



Representative: Scott Cancelosi


Representative: Virtual Jon Davidson

  • Arkansas Register ends printed copy in August
  • Agencies must file final rule with Secretary of State Rules effective 30 days after filing
  • Web based rule submission portal? Partnership with Legislative Bureau
  • Legislative approval of rules on ballot November 2014





Representative: Alberta Bennett




Representative: Jeff Hague, Yvette Smallwood

District of Columbia


Federal Register











Representative: Brad Hunt, Paula Wilson




























Representative: Debra Morrell





New Hampshire


New Jersey


New Mexico

Representative: John Martinez


Representative: Chris Coffman


Representative: Julie Yamaka



Puerto Rico


Rhode Island


South Carolina


South Dakota







Representative: Ken Hansen




Representative: Jane Chaffin

Representative: virtual Andrew Kubincanek, Program Coordinator, Administrative Law Advisory Committee

  • What’s New?
    2013 Virginia General Assembly Session
    During the 2013 session, the General Assembly passed two bills related to the Virginia Administrative Process Act (VAPA).
    The result of an Administrative Law Advisory Committee (ALAC) study, Senate Bill 1043 extended the initial effective period of emergency regulations from 12 months to 18 months. The bill also added a requirement that the current authority of the Governor to extend the effective period for up to an additional six months must be exercised before the expiration of the initial 18-month period.
    Senate Bill 944 provides that when a final decision of an agency is appealed under the Administrative Process Act and the decision on review is to be made based on the agency record established from a formal hearing, the duty of the court with respect to issues of fact is to determine whether there was substantial evidence in the record to support the agency decision. The amendment also allows courts to conduct a de novo review with respect to issues of law.
  • 2013 ALAC Work Plan
    The Administrative Law Advisory Committee has formed two work groups in 2013.
    The first group is considering updates to the Hearing Officer Deskbook at the request of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The book was last updated in October 2009. The work group is currently awaiting input from hearing officers and administrative law judges in the Commonwealth.
    The second work group is addressing what constitutes the “adoption” of a regulation for the purposes of appealing a regulation “in the manner provided by the rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia.” (§ 2.2-4026 of the Code of Virginia) Rule 2A:2 of the Rules of the Supreme Court requires the filing of a petition within 30 days after “adoption” of a regulation. In one case, a judge ruled that adoption meant the date upon which an agency takes final action to adopt a regulation. In another case, the same judge stated that adoption could not take place until the regulation had been published in the Register. The current statute also creates another issue wherein an individual may be forced to appeal before the regulation



Representative: Kerry Radcliff

West Virginia

Representative: Maureen Lewis

Representative: virtual Judy Cooper, West Virginia, Manager Administrative Law Division

Unable to attend virtually but sent update
Cliff Li Architect, eRegulations.us & Cheryl Basso Director, Business Development

What’s new?

  • Florida Administrative Register daily publication has been running smoothly since October 1, 2012


  • DCCode.eLaws.us was just released in July

First case of eRegCloud

DC Council will manage their own DCCode using the Cloud Model

Perform codification tasks, New, Amend, Correct, …

Support Transfer, Repeal, Emergency laws, reusing numbers, …

XML-based, drilling down to subparagraphs

Comprehensive notation management

On demand backup and download, and secured publishing

Speaker Biographies

Speaker Biographies

2013 ACR Committees

2013 ACR Program Committee 

Chair: Julie Yamaka, Oregon

Member: Brad Hunt, Idaho

2013 Awards Committee 

Chair: Elizabeth Palen, Virginia

Member: Jon Davidson, Arkansas

Member: Scott Cancelosi

2013 Web Committee 

Chair: Scott Cancelosi, Arizona

Member: Jeff Hague, Delaware

Member: Jane Chaffin, Virginia

2013 Social Media Committee 

Chair: Vacant

Member: Vacant

Member: Vacant

2013 By-Laws Committee 

Chair: Deanna Maiolo, Colorado

Member: Amy Bunk, Fed

Member: Emily Caudill, Kentucky

2014 Survey Committee

Chair: Standing Appointment ~ ACR Vice President

Member: Vacant

Member: Vacant

2014 Nominations (Officers) Committee

Chair: Vacant

Member: Vacant

Member: Vacant

Press Release – LexisNexis to Sponsor ACR Dinner

Please note that the LexisNexis sponsored dinner will be at 7:30 p.m. on THURSDAY at the Hotel Captain Cook, Club Room II. Please RSVP to Brian Kennedy, LexisNexis, (434) 972-7614-o, (434) 249-0751-c  e-mail Brian.Kennedy@lexisnexis.com if you haven’t already done so.

Post updated: July 12, 2013


For Immediate Release

Contact: Scott Cancelosi, ACR President, (602) 542-0223

April 18, 2013

LexisNexis to Sponsor ACR Dinner

LexisNexis is once again generously sponsoring a dinner at the 2013 NASS/ACR summer conference, our good friend Brian Kennedy confirmed today. We welcome LexisNexis as ACR’s first official sponsor for this conference.

NASS left Thursday night open for ACR members. Dinner will be provided at a place yet to be determined by Mr. Kennedy and the Program Committee.

Once the time and place is determined we will be sending an invitation via the listserv to ACR members to determine how many will be attending this event.

Last year LexisNexis provided dinner on Saturday, July 14 at Morton’s The Steakhouse at the Caribe Hilton, following the NASS welcome reception.

We thank LexisNexis once again for its continued support of the Administrative Codes and Registers Section of NASS.

– X X X –



2013 Bylaws Review

Pursuant to ACR Bylaws, Article V. Meetings,  D. Meeting Agendas the following bylaw amendments have been posted for review on June 18, 2013.

Bylaws 2013

2013 Bylaws Committee 
Chair: Deanna Maiolo, Colorado
Member: Amy Bunk, Federal Register
Member: Emily Caudill, Kentucky

2013 Submissions for Colborn Award Extended

Many thanks to those of you who submitted nominations already for the 2013 Robert Colborn Innovation Award.

As many of you know the deadline for submitting your Colborn Award nominations was June 10th.

However, after long deliberations with the other member of the Awards Committee (Elizabeth Palen (VA) – with helpful input from President Scott Cancelosi (AZ) ) we have decided to extend the deadline to Wednesday June 26th.

If you are considering submitting an entry for the award please do so.  The more submissions the better.  Please use this opportunity to brag on yourself and your office.  The forms and instructions are located on the ACR website:  www.administrativerules.org, and look under the ACR Colborn Award tab at the top of the page.

Let’s make this a record breaking year for submissions.  You’ve been given a second chance, so please send the submissions to epalen@dls.virginia.gov.  (Warning – The email listed for Elizabeth on the submission webpage is incorrect.  We are working to correct this.)  So, please use the email contained in this message.

The awards committee looks forward to reviewing your submissions.

Jon Davidson
ACR Awards Committee
Arkansas Secretary of State

2013 Committee Members Needed

The program committee has begun to work on this summer’s conference. We are still looking for a chair for this committee. Please see the vacancies below and let the ACR president know if you would like to participate!

2013 ACR Program Committee  
Member: Brad Hunt, Idaho
Member: Julie Yamaka, Oregon
Chair: Vacant

2013 Awards Committee  
Chair: Elizabeth Palen, Virginia
Member: Jon Davidson, Arkansas
Member: Vacant

2013 Web Committee  
Chair: Scott Cancelosi, Arizona
Member: Jeff Hague, Delaware
Member: Jane Chaffin, Virginia

2013 Social Media Committee  
Chair: Vacant
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

2013 By-Laws Committee  
Chair: Deanna Maiolo, Colorado
Member: Amy Bunk, Fed
Member: Vacant

2014 Survey Committee  
Chair: Standing Appointment ~ ACR Vice President
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

2014 Nominations (Officers) Committee  
Chair: Vacant
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

Press Release – Survey For Sale


The Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State surveys state and federal levels of government about the publication of administrative rules. With the information it collects, ACR produces its State and Federal Survey. The State and Federal Survey is a valuable tool that contains a wealth of information about administrative rules in the various states.

For example, you can find out which states publish an administrative register or code, determine which branch of government is responsible for publication, and locate contact information for the states.

The State and Federal Survey is a valuable tool that contains a wealth of information about administrative rules in the various states. Order one today! It is a must have for those who need to know about Administrative rules.

The State and Federal Survey is a compilation of information about administrative rules publications in the United States and its jurisdictions. The Survey contains updates for the 2012-2013 publishing cycle and it is current as of October 2012.

Appendices include informative statistics, Internet addresses for administrative codes and registers websites, and Internet addresses for administrative rules review information.

The 2012-2013 ACR State and Federal Survey is Still AVAILABLE! A new survey is slated for release in July 2014.

This Survey is available for US $40. Please fill out the order_form_2012 and make check or money order payable to ACR Survey.

For Information, contact ACR Vice President, Kerry S. Radcliff: (360) 786-6697

e-mail: Kerry.Radcliff@leg.wa.gov

2012-2014 ACR Officers

Members of Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR), a section of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), elected officers in July at the NASS/ACR summer conference held in San Juan, PR.

The new officers are: Scott Cancelosi (AZ), president; Kerry Radcliff (WA), vice president; and Emily Caudill (KY), secretary/treasurer.  The officers will serve a two-year term which expires in July 2014.

More information about ACR’s new officers can be found at http://www.nass.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=335%3Anews-release-acc-new-officers-2012&catid=964%3Auncategorized-news-releases&Itemid=428 .