Press Release – 2012-2013 New Officers Announced

NASS Administrative Rules Organization Elects National Officers Arizonan Scott Cancelosi to Lead National Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section

Washington, D.C. – The Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) today announced the election of its new slate of national officers for a two-year cycle. Arizona Public Services Division Director Scott Cancelosi will serve as president of the group, which includes administrative rules professionals from the federal government and all fifty U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and American Samoa.
“I am extremely honored to be leading such an experienced, committed group of state professionals,” remarked Cancelosi, who leads the state division under Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, and has served under four different Arizona Secretaries of State since he began his tenure with the office in 1996. “In addition to showcasing ACR’s collective expertise in rulemaking processes, I am committed to engaging our membership in efforts that will further support the strategic mission of our organization.”
Cancelosi was elected along with other ACR officers in July at the NASS summer conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. ACR members elected Washington State Register Editor Kerry Radcliff to serve as vice-president of the organization. Kentucky Assistant Administrative Regulations Compiler Emily Caudill was selected to serve as secretary-treasurer. As the organization’s national officers, Radcliff and Caudill will work with Cancelosi to direct ACR activities, including annual conferences and a biennial survey of state rulemaking processes.
The NASS Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section, formed more than thirty years ago, brings together federal and state professionals—often employed by secretary of state offices—who are responsible for reviewing and compiling government rules and regulations that have been adopted and are in effect. Some members also oversee the production of “blue books,” which are the official government directory and fact book for each state.
ACR members are committed to fostering the development of better rule-writing skills and rule review techniques and developing more effective management of the rule promulgation process, particularly in the publication of administrative codes and registers. They are also focused on increasing public access to the rulemaking process.
In July 2012, NASS recognized the Office of the Nebraska Secretary of State with the NASS IDEAS Award for innovation and achievement in recognition of its creation of a state tracking and email notification system for proposed rules/regulations, a cross-agency application that has yielded significant savings in many areas.
ACR’s new national officers will serve a two-year term from July 2012 to July 2014.

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Founded in 1904, the National Association of Secretaries of State is the oldest professional, non-partisan organization of public officials in the United States. Association members include the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For more information, visit

Passing of Former ACR Executive Secretary Carolan Underwood

Carolan Underwood passed away on August 28, 2012.  Carolan served the ACR Executive Secretary (the office now known as ‘president’) from 1987 through 1990.  Carolan worked for the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office as the Director of Administrative Rules for many years.  The old-time ACR members will remember Carolan for her warm acceptance of everyone who joined the ACR ranks.  Carolan spent countless hours working on our behalf to organize conferences, and present sessions.

An obituary for Carolan is available online at .

2012 Speaker Biographies

Speaker Biographies

Bunk, Amy

Amy Bunk is the Director of Legal Affairs and Policy for the Office of the Federal Register. She is also the Co-chairperson of the Plain Language Action and Information Network, and organization of the U.S. government employees whose goal is to promote the use of plain language for all government communications.

Ms. Bunk worked in the Office of Regulations and Administrative Law, Office of the Judge Advocate General, United States Coast Guard from November 2005 until October 2007.

She received JD cum laude from Syracuse University College of Law and is a member of the Justinian Honorary Law Society.

Cheek, Annetta L.

Dr. Annetta L. Cheek became an advocate for plain language in the early 1990s and is a 25-year veteran of federal government. She has worked her career to get federal agencies to communicate more clearly.

In the mid-1990s, she was one of the founders of the federal plain language group, now called PLAIN. She worked as vice-president Al Gore’s National Partnership in Reinventing Government for four years, ending in 2000.

In 1998, she was one of the principal authors of President Clinton’s presidential memorandum on plain language. In 2003, she was one of several founders of the non-profit Center for Plain Language. The center was instrumental in educating Congress about the need for legislation requiring the federal government to write clearly, which culminated in the Plain Writing Act of 2010.

Dr. Cheek has a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Arizona.

Fraizier, Jennifer

Kentucky State Law Librarian Jennifer Frazier was a member of a three-person Kentucky team that participated in a national conference about how public libraries can improve online access to legal information at libraries.  The team was one of 15 chosen to attend the conference out of 42 applying from 31 states.

As head of the State Law Library, Frazier oversees an operation that provides research and reference assistance to the Kentucky Court of Justice and houses the central collection of legal research materials for state government.

Frazier has served as the state law librarian since September 2006. She joined the law library as its legal counsel in March 2003 and served as the assistant state law librarian from April 2005 until being named law librarian.

She practiced law in Louisville for a year and a half before coming to the state law library. She earned her juris doctor from the University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law in 2001. She received her master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Kentucky in 2007. Frazier earned her bachelor’s degree in history from Northern Kentucky University.

Jaquith, Waldo

Waldo Jaquith is a website developer and open government technologist from Charlottesville, Virginia. In 2011, in acknowledgement of his transparency of work, he was named a “Champion of Change” by the White House, where he went on to work, launching in March of 2012. Jaquith hold a degree in political science from Virginia Tech and was a 2005 graduate of the Sorensen Institute of Political Leadership. He lives on a small farm with his wife and infant son.

Martinez, John

John Hyrum Martinez was appointed by the New Mexico Commission on Public Records to be State Records Administrator and the Director of the State Records Center and Archives in 2011. He earned his Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, in History with a minor in Spanish from Brigham Young University and his Master of Arts in History, with a focus on the American Southwest from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a certified archivist.

Martinez has been with the State Records Center and Archives for about 12 years during which he served as an archivist, Director of the Administrative Law Division, and State Records Administrator.

Palen, Elizabeth

Elizabeth A. Palen is the Executive Director of the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules, the Administrative Law Advisory Committee and the Virginia Housing Commission; all housed within the Virginia Division of Legislative Services.

The Joint Commission on Administrative Rules provides a bi-partisan arena for regulatory dispute resolution. The Administrative Law Advisory Committee studies and offers recommendations to the Virginia Code Commission concerning regulatory process. The Virginia Housing Commission studies housing issues and is a forum to create legislation and solutions for housing issues ranging from mortgages to blight and neighborhood revitalization.

Palen provides legal council, staff meetings and drafts bills dealing with regulatory and housing issues.

Prior to her employment with the Divisions of Legislative Services, Elizabeth was the Executive Director of a Community Development Corporation, a lobbyist, legal researcher for the Virginia Senate, and a staff member for the Clerk of the Virginia House of Delegates.

Palen was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mary Baldwin College in Political Science and Art and a juris doctor from the T.C. Williams School of Law University of Richmond.

Stevenson, Dennis

Dennis Stevenson is the Administrative Rules Coordinator for the State of Idaho. The Office of the Administrative Rules Coordinator is an Executive Branch office and is part of the Department of Administration. Stevenson has worked for the State of Idaho for 22 years. He has been with the Office of the Administrative Rules Coordinator since its inception in 1992.

During his tenure Stevenson has overseen many office innovations including implementing desktop publishing techniques for rules publications, providing free electronic access to the Idaho Administrative Code, the Administrative Bulletin and rules-related documents, electronic filing of rulemaking documents, and providing electronic access to all legislative rules review publications. Many of these innovations have saved the State of Idaho thousands of dollars.

Stevenson is a department administrator, the managing editor of both the Idaho Administrative Code and the Idaho Administrative Bulletin, the legislative and agency liaison for the office, and a training specialist in administrative law, rule promulgation, rule writing and Idaho APA compliance.

Stevenson joined ACR in 1995 and is now an emeritus member. He has served as the Mountain West Regional Representative, 2001 Summer Conference Program Chair, and as an ACR officer.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with minors in English and Spanish from Boise State University. Stevenson is also a Certified Public Manager and a member of the Idaho Society of Certified Public Managers and is a member in good standing in the American Academy of Certified Public Managers.

Yamaka, Julie

Julie Yamaka has managed the Publications Unit of the Archives Division of the Oregon Secretary of State since 1997. The Publications Unit is charged with filing and publishing the Oregon Administrative Rules, and compiling and publishing the Oregon Blue Book. Yamaka has been managing editor of the Oregon Blue Book since 2002. She has worked for the Oregon Secretary of State since 1990.

Yamaka served as President of ACR from 2008 to 2010, and has been a member of ACR since 1998. She served as the ACR Pacific West regional representative from 2000 to 2004 and again from 2010 to the present, and was the 2002 Summer Conference Chair in Providence, Rhode Island. She was ACR Secretary/Treasurer from 2004 to 2006 and Vice President from 2006 to 2008.

Yamaka holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in German Language from the University of Oregon. She and her husband live in Salem and have two grown children, Stephanie and Kevin.

ACR Summer 2012 Conference Agenda

Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) will hold its annual summer conference in conjunction with the National Association of Secretaries of State’s summer conference in San Juan, PR, July 14 through July 17, 2012.  A tentative agenda for the conference is available online.

Members of ACR will be able to participate in a web broadcast of the conference.  Information about registration has been distributed to ACR members through the ACR ListServ.

Alternative to Attending the 2012 Summer Conference Announced

A number of you have mentioned that you are not able to attend the 2012 Summer Conference in person, but would be interested in attending online; therefore, arrangements have been made for all the sessions to be broadcast online through a conferencing system called WebEx.  There  will be full video and audio capabilities, online chat and additional features we have not had with other systems in the past.  Online attendees will be able to participate in the sessions almost as though they were in person at the conference. There will be a charge of $50 to attend the conference online which can be paid through the NASS website, similar to an in-person registration. The charge will help cover the cost of the online conferencing.  The link to register is; please note that this link is the only way to reach the registration page for online attendance.
I hope all of you who cannot attend in person will take advantage of this opportunity to attend online.  Please contact me if you have questions.

2012 Summer Conference

2012 Summer Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico
July 14-17, 2012


Check-in open 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the San Cristobal Foyer.
NASS office is open Noon to 6 p.m. in Conference #10.


Caribe Hilton Hotel


Agenda and Attendance

July 14 Saturday 6 p.m.
Welcome Reception, Gazebo – Caribe Hilton
Evening Activity
ACR LexisNexis Sponsor Dinner – Morton’s The Steakhouse, Caribe Hilton, RSVP to Brian Kennedy

July 15 Sunday 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.

ACR Officers and Regional Representatives Working Breakfast – Las Olas

9 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

ACR Welcome Session & Introduction of Officers

9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Introductions: Who’s Who and What’s New

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Introductions: Who’s Who and What’s New

Noon – 1:30 p.m.

NASS/ACR Lunch – NASS Ideas Award – Las Olas

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Who’s Who and What’s New

2:45 p.m. – 3 p.m.


3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Electoral College – Presenter Ms. Amy Bunk, Director of Legal Affairs and Policy for the Office of the Federal Register

7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Evening Activity

Reception and Dinner – La Fortaleza. Buses depart at 6:30 p.m.

July 16 Monday 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Breakfast – Las Olas

9:30 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.

Roundtable: What do you mean you want it now? Managing rising customer expectations in the 21st Century – Facilitator Julie Yamaka, Publications Manager, Oregon Secretary of State

10:20 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


10:30 a.m. – Noon

Plain Language – Presenter Dr. Annetta Cheek, Board Chair for the Center for Plain Language

Plain language book – Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please – The Case for Plain Language in Business, Government and Law, by Joseph Kimble

12:15 – 1:30 p.m.

NASS/ACR Lunch – Presentation Beth Colleton, Senor Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility for NBC Universal.

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

The State Decoded (state codes, for humans), Presenter Waldo Jaquith, open government technologist, Char­lottes­­ville, VA

2:45 p.m. – 3 p.m.


3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Meet metadata your new BFF – Presenter John Martinez, ACR President

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

First Business Meeting  – Facilitator John Martinez, ACR President

Evening Activity

Old San Juan Exploration

July 17 Tuesday

8 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Breakfast – Las Olas

9:30 a.m.  –  10:30 a.m.

Endangered Species Act (ESA, P.L. 93-205, 87 Stat. 884. 16 U.S.C. §§1531-1544) – Presenter Kristina Alexander, Legislative Attorney, Congressional Research Service,

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, Presenter Jennifer Frazier, Kentucky State Law Librarian

State Capitol, Suite 200 700 Capital Avenue Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Phone: (502) 564-4848

Noon – 1:30 p.m.

NASS/ACR Lunch – NASS Leadership Luncheon, Induction of NASS Officers

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Florida Supreme Court Holds Governor’s Suspension of Rulemaking Exceeds Authority – Presenters Elizabeth Palen, Virginia Division of Legislative Services and Dennis Stevenson, State of Idaho Rules Coordinator

2:45 p.m. – 3 p.m.


3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Puerto Rico Rulemaking

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Second Business Meeting/Closing Remarks – Facilitator John Martinez, ACR President

7 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Reception and Dinner Casa Bacardi. Meet in the Lobby. Buses depart at 6:30 p.m.

All times listed are Atlantic Standard / Eastern Daylight Savings Agenda is subject to change

Business Meetings Location: TBD

Minutes in pdf.

  • Monday, July 16, 2012, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
    • First Business Meeting
      • First Business Meeting Agenda
      • Treasurer’s Report
      • Attendance Sheet
  • Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
    • Second Business Meeting
      • First Business Meeting Agenda
      • Treasurer’s Report
      • Attendance Sheet

Who’s Who and What’s New





American Samoa



Attending in Person Representative: Scott Cancelosi, Public Services Division Director, Secretary of State’s Office











District of Columbia


Federal Register











In Person Representative: Brad Hunt, Desktop Publishing Specialist, Administrative Rules In Person Representative: Dennis Stevenson, Rules Coordinator, Administrative Rules

































New Hampshire


New Jersey


New Mexico

In Person Representative: John Martinez, State Records Administrator

New York


North Carolina


North Dakota


Northern Marianas Islands







Attending in Person Representative: Julie Yamaka, Oregon Secretary of State’s Office



Puerto Rico


Rhode Island


South Carolina


South Dakota











Attending in Person Representative: Jane Chaffin, Registrar of Regulations, Virginia Legislative Services Attending in Person Representative: Elizabeth Palen, Division of Legislative Services

Virgin Islands




West Virginia

Attending In Person Representative: Judy Cooper, Administrative Law Manager






A list of vendors willl be provided in 2012

2012 ACR Committees
2012 ACR Program Committee
Chair: Amy Bunk, Federal Register
Member: Jane Chaffin
Member:   Vacant

2012 ACR Bylaw Committee
Member: Emily Caudill (KY)
Member: Dennis Stevenson (ID)
Member:  Dan Proctor (TX)

2012 Awards Committee
Chair: Deanna Maiolo (CO)
Member: Ken Hansen (UT)
Member:  Julie Yamaka (OR)

2012 Web Committee
Chair: Jeff Hague, Delaware
Member: Scott Cancelosi, Arizona
Member: Jane Chaffin, Virginia

2012 Social Media Committee
Chair: Scott Cancelosi, Arizona
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant


2012 ACR Winter Meeting Agenda Available

Administrative Codes and Registers will hold a virtual winter meeting Wednesday, February 22 through Friday, February 24.  Sessions will begin at 11 AM EST each day.  The agenda for the meeting is available online at  Instructions for participating in the meeting have been distributed through the ACR ListServ.