Press Release – LexisNexis to Sponsor ACR Dinner

Please note that the LexisNexis sponsored dinner will be at 7:30 p.m. on THURSDAY at the Hotel Captain Cook, Club Room II. Please RSVP to Brian Kennedy, LexisNexis, (434) 972-7614-o, (434) 249-0751-c  e-mail if you haven’t already done so.

Post updated: July 12, 2013


For Immediate Release

Contact: Scott Cancelosi, ACR President, (602) 542-0223

April 18, 2013

LexisNexis to Sponsor ACR Dinner

LexisNexis is once again generously sponsoring a dinner at the 2013 NASS/ACR summer conference, our good friend Brian Kennedy confirmed today. We welcome LexisNexis as ACR’s first official sponsor for this conference.

NASS left Thursday night open for ACR members. Dinner will be provided at a place yet to be determined by Mr. Kennedy and the Program Committee.

Once the time and place is determined we will be sending an invitation via the listserv to ACR members to determine how many will be attending this event.

Last year LexisNexis provided dinner on Saturday, July 14 at Morton’s The Steakhouse at the Caribe Hilton, following the NASS welcome reception.

We thank LexisNexis once again for its continued support of the Administrative Codes and Registers Section of NASS.

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2013 Bylaws Review

Pursuant to ACR Bylaws, Article V. Meetings,  D. Meeting Agendas the following bylaw amendments have been posted for review on June 18, 2013.

Bylaws 2013

2013 Bylaws Committee 
Chair: Deanna Maiolo, Colorado
Member: Amy Bunk, Federal Register
Member: Emily Caudill, Kentucky

2013 Submissions for Colborn Award Extended

Many thanks to those of you who submitted nominations already for the 2013 Robert Colborn Innovation Award.

As many of you know the deadline for submitting your Colborn Award nominations was June 10th.

However, after long deliberations with the other member of the Awards Committee (Elizabeth Palen (VA) – with helpful input from President Scott Cancelosi (AZ) ) we have decided to extend the deadline to Wednesday June 26th.

If you are considering submitting an entry for the award please do so.  The more submissions the better.  Please use this opportunity to brag on yourself and your office.  The forms and instructions are located on the ACR website:, and look under the ACR Colborn Award tab at the top of the page.

Let’s make this a record breaking year for submissions.  You’ve been given a second chance, so please send the submissions to  (Warning – The email listed for Elizabeth on the submission webpage is incorrect.  We are working to correct this.)  So, please use the email contained in this message.

The awards committee looks forward to reviewing your submissions.

Jon Davidson
ACR Awards Committee
Arkansas Secretary of State

2013 Committee Members Needed

The program committee has begun to work on this summer’s conference. We are still looking for a chair for this committee. Please see the vacancies below and let the ACR president know if you would like to participate!

2013 ACR Program Committee  
Member: Brad Hunt, Idaho
Member: Julie Yamaka, Oregon
Chair: Vacant

2013 Awards Committee  
Chair: Elizabeth Palen, Virginia
Member: Jon Davidson, Arkansas
Member: Vacant

2013 Web Committee  
Chair: Scott Cancelosi, Arizona
Member: Jeff Hague, Delaware
Member: Jane Chaffin, Virginia

2013 Social Media Committee  
Chair: Vacant
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

2013 By-Laws Committee  
Chair: Deanna Maiolo, Colorado
Member: Amy Bunk, Fed
Member: Vacant

2014 Survey Committee  
Chair: Standing Appointment ~ ACR Vice President
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

2014 Nominations (Officers) Committee  
Chair: Vacant
Member: Vacant
Member: Vacant

Press Release – Survey For Sale


The Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State surveys state and federal levels of government about the publication of administrative rules. With the information it collects, ACR produces its State and Federal Survey. The State and Federal Survey is a valuable tool that contains a wealth of information about administrative rules in the various states.

For example, you can find out which states publish an administrative register or code, determine which branch of government is responsible for publication, and locate contact information for the states.

The State and Federal Survey is a valuable tool that contains a wealth of information about administrative rules in the various states. Order one today! It is a must have for those who need to know about Administrative rules.

The State and Federal Survey is a compilation of information about administrative rules publications in the United States and its jurisdictions. The Survey contains updates for the 2012-2013 publishing cycle and it is current as of October 2012.

Appendices include informative statistics, Internet addresses for administrative codes and registers websites, and Internet addresses for administrative rules review information.

The 2012-2013 ACR State and Federal Survey is Still AVAILABLE! A new survey is slated for release in July 2014.

This Survey is available for US $40. Please fill out the order_form_2012 and make check or money order payable to ACR Survey.

For Information, contact ACR Vice President, Kerry S. Radcliff: (360) 786-6697


2012-2014 ACR Officers

Members of Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR), a section of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), elected officers in July at the NASS/ACR summer conference held in San Juan, PR.

The new officers are: Scott Cancelosi (AZ), president; Kerry Radcliff (WA), vice president; and Emily Caudill (KY), secretary/treasurer.  The officers will serve a two-year term which expires in July 2014.

More information about ACR’s new officers can be found at .

Press Release – 2012-2013 New Officers Announced

NASS Administrative Rules Organization Elects National Officers Arizonan Scott Cancelosi to Lead National Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section

Washington, D.C. – The Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) today announced the election of its new slate of national officers for a two-year cycle. Arizona Public Services Division Director Scott Cancelosi will serve as president of the group, which includes administrative rules professionals from the federal government and all fifty U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and American Samoa.
“I am extremely honored to be leading such an experienced, committed group of state professionals,” remarked Cancelosi, who leads the state division under Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, and has served under four different Arizona Secretaries of State since he began his tenure with the office in 1996. “In addition to showcasing ACR’s collective expertise in rulemaking processes, I am committed to engaging our membership in efforts that will further support the strategic mission of our organization.”
Cancelosi was elected along with other ACR officers in July at the NASS summer conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. ACR members elected Washington State Register Editor Kerry Radcliff to serve as vice-president of the organization. Kentucky Assistant Administrative Regulations Compiler Emily Caudill was selected to serve as secretary-treasurer. As the organization’s national officers, Radcliff and Caudill will work with Cancelosi to direct ACR activities, including annual conferences and a biennial survey of state rulemaking processes.
The NASS Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR) Section, formed more than thirty years ago, brings together federal and state professionals—often employed by secretary of state offices—who are responsible for reviewing and compiling government rules and regulations that have been adopted and are in effect. Some members also oversee the production of “blue books,” which are the official government directory and fact book for each state.
ACR members are committed to fostering the development of better rule-writing skills and rule review techniques and developing more effective management of the rule promulgation process, particularly in the publication of administrative codes and registers. They are also focused on increasing public access to the rulemaking process.
In July 2012, NASS recognized the Office of the Nebraska Secretary of State with the NASS IDEAS Award for innovation and achievement in recognition of its creation of a state tracking and email notification system for proposed rules/regulations, a cross-agency application that has yielded significant savings in many areas.
ACR’s new national officers will serve a two-year term from July 2012 to July 2014.

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Founded in 1904, the National Association of Secretaries of State is the oldest professional, non-partisan organization of public officials in the United States. Association members include the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For more information, visit