2014 Summer Business Meeting Agenda

Beware of the Gavel, ACR First Business Meeting

Hilton Baltimore Hotel, Carroll A/B
Baltimore, MD
Monday, July 14, 2014, 4  p.m. -5 p.m.

1. Call to Order, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi
2. Welcome and Roll-Call, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

Attendance sheet

3. Treasurer’s Report, Presented by ACR Secretary/Treasurer, Emily Caudill – view pdf

ACR Expenditures
2013 Alaska Summer Conference
Colborn Award – Plaquemaker.com, $ 127.46
Labor & Electricity Dena’ina, $250/day @ 3 days $ 750.00
Total Summer Conference Expenditures $  877.46*
*NASS  allotted ACR $3,000 from the NASS conference budget. Expenditures for Labor and Electricity were not taken from the ACR General Fund

2014 Washington D.C. Winter Meeting

2014 Baltimore Conference, Estimated Budget Expenses

ACR General Fund
Treasurer’s Report

4. State and Federal Survey Update, Presented by Vice President Kerry Radcliff


What the survey means to us
Recognition of survey sponsor

Survey release, availability to public and vendors
Discussion of current survey method

5. ACR Website, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

Current service, winter meeting discussion, e-mail
The call for volunteers to fill Website Committee appointments.

6. ACR Archives, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

Review of winter meeting discussion
The archive of paper in Missouri State Archives
Open discussion Wednesday

7. Bylaws review

Review Bylaws as proposed
Floor Amendments

8. Nominations Committee, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi and Committee Co-Chair Julie Yamaka

2014-2016 Officer Nominations Report, recommendation for officers, regional representatives
Permission, Letters of Intent

The reading of letters to members
Submission of letters to Secretary/Treasurer for archiving

Nominations from the floor

The call to ACR members for floor nominations per ACR Bylaws

9. Resolutions, First Read, Presented by Ken Hansen, Chair, Awards Committee

A Resolution on the Death of Robert J. Colborn
A Resolution on Mike White’s Retirement
A Resolution on Joe Deluca’s Retirement
A Resolution on Linda Emry’s Retirement
A Resolution on Pam Booth’s Retirement
Floor motions to amend resolution(s) or make corrections to manifest typographical or clerical errors for voting at ACR Final Business Meeting

10. New Business and Open Discussion

11. Adjourn


Beware of the Gavel Too, The President’s Revenge
ACR Second Business Meeting

Hilton Baltimore Hotel, Carroll A/B
Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 4:15 p.m. -5 p.m.

1. Call to Order, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi
2. Roll-Call, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi

Attendance sheet
Establishment of quorum determined

3. ACR Awards Committee Final Report, Presented by Ken Hansen, Chair, Awards Committee

Recognition to those who helped to make the conference a success

NASS staff
Corporate sponsors
Other non-voting members present

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation

Sponsor Recognition

  • Bloomberg BNA – support of ACR as Silver Level NASS Corporate Affiliate
  • Crystal Bryant, Content Management Supervisor, Law & Business Operations, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business – support for the ACR 2014 Summer Conference
    Wolters Kluwer Law and Business – support of the ACR 2014 Summer Conference and as a Silver Level NASS Corporate Affiliate
  • Brian Kennedy, Senior Business Analyst at LexisNexis – support for the ACR 2014 Summer Conference
    LexisNexis – support of the ACR 2014 Baltimore Summer Conference
  • West, A Thomson Reuters Business – support of ACR as a Silver Level NASS Corporate Affiliate and  for its in-kind donation of printing services of our survey

Liaison Recognition

  • Matt Dunlap, Maine Secretary of State, 2013-2014 NASS Liaison to ACR

Committee Recognition

  • Julie Yamaka, Co-chair, Summer Conference Program
  • Jane Chaffin, Co-chair, Summer Conference Program
  • Ken Hansen, Chair, Awards & Colborn Award Committees

Officer Recognition

  • Kerry Radcliff, for services as 2012-2014 ACR vice president
  • Emily Caudill, for services as 2012-2014 ACR secretary/treasurer


Final Read
A Resolution on the Death of Robert J. Colborn
A Resolution on Mike White’s Retirement
A Resolution on Joe Deluca’s Retirement
A Resolution on Linda Emry’s Retirement
A Resolution on Pam Booth’s Retirement

4. Nominations Committee Final Report, Presented by ACR President, Scott Cancelosi and Committee Co-Chair Julie Yamaka

Review of Nominations of 2014-2016 Officers
Floor vote

5. Bylaws

Call to vote on proposed bylaw changes.

6. Other Business and Open Discussion

Recognition of Emeritus President Scott Cancelosi, Presented by president-elect Kerry Radcliff

10. Adjourn

2014 Conference Meeting Agenda


Saturday, July 12

Sunday, July 13
Noon 5:30 p.m.RegistrationKey Ballroom Foyer

  • 1:30 p.m. –  2:45 p.m.ACR Networking Session, “Oppa” Colborn-style – Key Ballroom Foyer
  • 2:45 p.m.  3 p.m.Break ~ Refreshments providedKey Ballroom Foyer
  • 3 p.m. –  4 p.m. – ACR Officers and Executive Committee Meeting – Key Ballroom Foyer
  • 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Welcome Reception, Oriole Park and Camden Yards – Camden Club (conference badge required)

EVENING EVENT – ACR PIN STRIPING and LEVITATING BIRDS 8:05 p.m.  11 p.m. – Baltimore Orioles vs. New York YankeesCamden Yards (conference badge required)

Monday, July 14 
8 a.m. 
–  4 p.m.Registration, Key Ballroom Foyer

  • 8 a.m.  9 a.m. – Breakfast with Guest Speaker, Mr. Casey Joseph, Executive Vice President, Tecore Networks, Key Ballroom 7
  • 9 a.m. –  9:15 a.m. – ACR Welcome by Scott Cancelosi, ACR President – Introduction of Officers, Carroll A/B
  • 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. – Chaos, Panic, & Disorder, What’s New at Home – Part 1, Carroll A/B
  • 10:15 a.m.  10:30 a.m. – Morning Break ~ Refreshments providedKey Ballroom Foyer
  • 10:30 a.m.  noon – Chaos, Panic, & Disorder, What’s New at Home, Continued – Part 2, Just when you thought is was safe to go back into Carroll A/B
  • 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. – NASS/ACR Luncheon featuring U.S. Representatives Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Key Ballroom 7
  • 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. – Who’s write? What’s real? Document Authentication and the Uniform Electronic Legal Materials Act –  Waldo Jaquith, Director, US Open Data Institute, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 2:45 p.m.  3 p.m. – Afternoon Break ~ Refreshments providedKey Ballroom Foyer
  • 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – Regulatory Reform in North Carolina — Eliminating Unnecessary Rules – Molly Masich, Codifier of Rules, North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings; Amanda Reeder, Abigail Hammond & Amber Cronk May, North Corolina Rules Review Commission Attorneys, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ] 
  • 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. – Beware of the Gavel, First ACR Business Meeting (Nominations of Officers), Scott Cancelosi, ACR President, Carroll A/B – [ Agenda ]

ACR DINNER – 6:30 p.m. – Diamond Tavern, Baltimore Hilton, Sponsor LexisNexis with host Brian Kennedy

Tuesday, July 15
8 a.m. –  4 p.m. – Registration, Key Ballroom Foyer

  • 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. – Breakfast sponsored by Thomson Reuters, Key Ballroom 7
  • 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – Modernizing Rules Review in Connecticut – Christopher Drake, Deputy Legal Counsel, Office of the Governor; David Suess, Charles Fizer, Kim Leung, Fairfax Data Systems, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. – Morning Break ~ Refreshments providedKey Ballroom Foyer
  • 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – Posting to Walls: Social Media in Rulemaking – Emily S. Bremer, Staff Counsel, Administrative Conference of the United States, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. – Luncheon featuring NASS IDEAS Award Presentation and Guest Speaker Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, Key Ballroom
  • 1:45 p.m. –  2:45 p.m. – IBR Tightrope – Finding Balance between Public Access to Rules and Copyrighted Private Standards — Part 1 – Scott Cooper, Vice President, Government Relations & Public Policy, American National Standards Institute, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 2:45 p.m. – 3 p.m. – Afternoon Break ~ Refreshments providedKey Ballroom Foyer
  • 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – IBR Tightrope – Finding Balance between Public Access to Rules and Copyrighted Private Standards — Part 2 – Seamus Kraft, Executive Director, The OpenGov Foundation, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 4  p.m. –  4:45 p.m. – Beware of the Gavel Too, The President’s Revenge, Second Business Meeting (Election of Officers, Certificate Presentations) Scott Cancelosi, ACR President, Carroll A/B – [ Agenda ]
  • 5 p.m. –  6 p.m. Reception hosted by the Pew Charitable Trusts, Peale Room, Baltimore Hilton 

EVENING EVENT – 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. – Star Spangled Celebration Picnic & Fireworks, Fort McHenry
(Meet in hotel lobby; Buses depart at 6:15 pm; Conference badge required)

Wednesday, July 16

  • 8 a.m.  9 a.m. – Breakfast sponsored by Thomson Reuters featuring Charlie Cook, Editor/Publisher, The Cook Political Report, Key Ballroom 7
  • 9 a.m. 10 a.m. – Office of the Federal Register Moving Forward – Charley Barth, Director, Office of the Federal Register, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 10 a.m.  10:15 a.m. – Morning Break ~ Refreshments provided – Key Ballroom Foyer
  • 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – Showdown at the Administrative Corral: Challenging and Defending Rules in the Federal Arena – Dr. Jim Tozzi, Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, and Leland Beck, attorney and editor of the Federal Regulations Adviser – Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 12:15 p.m.  1:45 p.m. – NASS Leadership Luncheon and Guest Speaker Ralph Eshelman, Maryland Author/Historian, Key Ballroom 7
  • 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. – Colborn Award – Colorado First to Implement the Uniform Electronic Legal Materials Act, Ken Hansen, Utah,  Awards Committee Chair; Deanna Maiolo, Office of the Colorado Secretary of State, Carroll A/B – [ view pdf ]
  • 3 p.m.  3:15 p.m. – ACR EXCLUSIVE Break – Sponsor Wolters Kluwer Law & Business with hostess Crystal Bryant, Carroll A/B
  • 3:15 p.m. –  4:15 p.m. – Roundtable: ACR Sustainability and Succession Planning – Moderated by Ken Hansen, Utah; Scott Cancelosi, Arizona; Jane Chaffin, Virginia; Julie Yamaka, Oregon, Carroll A/B
    • Topics, engage new members; motivate current members who are not active; identify future leaders; strengthen relationships with vendors; strengthen relationships with colleagues; what is the future of the organization?; documentation of member service.
  • 4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Short n’ Sweet, Closing Comments – Adjourn

EVENING EVENT – 6 p.m. ACR Exclusive Dinner, Sponsored by Wolters Kluwer. Meet in the Hilton Lobby.


Accepting Nominations for the 2014 Robert J. Colborn Innovation Award

The Administrative Codes and Registers’ Awards Committee is taking nominations for the 2014 Colborn Award.  This year, the committee consists of Ken Hansen (UT; chair), Kerry Radcliff (WA) and Liz Cloud (FL).  The Colborn Award is presented annually by Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR), a section of the National Association of Secretaries of State, to recognize a program that demonstrates innovation and creativity in providing public access to, or management of, administrative rules.

The nominations packet and form with complete instructions has been posted on the Colborn Award page available at:  http://www.administrativerules.org/colborn-award/nomination-package/ .

Nominations are due Friday, June 6, 2014.

The award will be presented at the ACR Summer Conference held in Baltimore, MD, July 13-16, 2014.

2014 Summer Conference [Archive]

ACR Summer Conference

July 13-16, 2014

Baltimore, Maryland

[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”President’s Message” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Message from the President

It’s going to be BIG. I can guarantee it! Those who didn’t attend Baltimore in 2000 will have the opportunity to enjoy all Maryland has to offer in 2014. The dates have been set. The hotel has already been chosen.  Mark your calendar now! No excuses! It’s time to take Baltimore by storm. I’ll be updating members as more information becomes available.

Scott Cancelosi ACR President
Posted July 26, 2013


[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”Conference Co-Chairs’ Message” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Conference Co-Chairs’ Message


The ACR conference agenda is coming together nicely, and promises to be an exciting mix of timely and informative sessions. Please take a moment to browse the tentative agenda as you make your plans to attend this summer’s NASS/ACR conference in Baltimore, Maryland in July. Conference events are scheduled at the Hilton Baltimore Hotel, nestled between Baltimore’s lively and picturesque Inner Harbor and the Camden Yards major league baseball park. We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore!

– Julie Yamaka (OR) and Jane Chaffin (VA)


[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”Conference Registration” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Conference Registration

Registration Types:

ACR members

NASS/ACR Corporate Affiliate/Platinum, Gold, Silver

NASS/ACR Corporate Conference Sponsor

NASS/ACR Corporate non-members

Please Note: Attendees representing a company that are NOT a NASS corporate affiliate or conference sponsor should register as “corporate non-members” or contact Stacy Dodd at (202) 624-3525  about becoming a NASS Corporate Affiliate.

If you sign up as a corporate affiliate or corporate non-member, please contact an ACR officer as your name does not appear on the ACR registration list.

NASS Website ~ Summer Conference Information


[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”Book Hotel” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Room Registration 

Reserve your room now! Book early.

Hilton Baltimore Hotel
401 W Pratt St  Baltimore, MD 21201
(443) 573-8700

The NASS group rate is $147 per night plus 15.5% room tax. Please book early to ensure you secure a room. You must make reservations by June 12, 2014, to receive the NASS discount rate.  To make reservations, call 1-800-HILTONS and identify yourself as part of the National Association of Secretaries of State or “NASS” Summer Conference to receive the group rate. This discount rate is available for the meeting dates based on hotel occupancy levels. Room reservations must be cancelled 72 hours prior to arrival date to avoid late charges. Reservations cancelled less than 72 hours prior to arrival will be charged one night room and tax.


[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”Who’s Who and What’s New” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Who’s Who and What’s New
  • Alabama


  • Alaska

Representative: Scott Meriwether

  • American Samoa


  • Arizona

Representative: Scott Cancelosi – Administrative Code updates; Election Year – Publicity Pamphlet/The unknown factor Website design

  • Arkansas


  • California


  • Colorado

Representative: Deanna Maiolo

  • Connecticut


  • Delaware

Representative: Yvette Smallwood

  • District of Columbia

Representative: Victor Reid

  • Federal Register

Representative: Charley Barth, Amy Bunk, John Martinez

  • Florida


  • Georgia


  • Guam


  • Hawaii


  • Idaho

Representative: Lori Garza

  • Illinois


  • Indiana


  • Iowa

Representative: Stephanie Hoff

  • Kansas


  • Kentucky

Representative: Emily Caudill

  • Louisiana


  • Maine

Representative: Don Wismer

  • Maryland


  • Massachusetts


  • Michigan


  • Minnesota


  • Mississippi


  • Missouri


  • Montana


  • Nebraska


  • Nevada


  • New Hampshire


  • New Jersey


  • New Mexico

Representative: Linda Trujillo

  • North Carolina

Representative:  Molly Masich, Amber May, Amanda Reeder, Joe LeLuca

  • Oklahoma

Representative: Chris Coffman

  • Oregon

Representative: Julie Yamaka

  • Pennsylvania


  • Puerto Rico


  • Rhode Island


  • South Carolina


  • South Dakota


  • Tennessee


  • Texas


  • Utah

Representative: Ken Hansen

  • Vermont


  • Virginia

Representative: Jane Chaffin, Karen Perrine

  • Washington

Representative: Kerry Radcliff

  • West Virginia

Representative: Judy Cooper

  • Wisconsin

Representative: Bruce Hoesly

[/dropdown_box] [dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”2014 ACR Committee Appointments” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

2014 ACR Committee Appointments

2014 ACR Program Committee This committee is charged with putting together the summer conference agenda and contacting presenters. The chair introduces speakers at sessions and procures sponsors for ACR breaks and events not on the NASS schedule.

  • Co-Chairs: Julie Yamaka (OR)
  • Jane Chaffin (VA)

2014 Colborn & Awards Committee This committee reviews Colborn Award submissions; prepares retirement proclamations and certificates of appreciation.

  • Chair: Kenneth A. Hansen, Director, Division of Administrative Rules, Utah
  • Member: Kerry Radcliff, ACR VP, Editor, Office of the Code Reviser, Washington
  • Member: Liz Cloud, Program Administrator, Department of State, Administrative Code and Register Section, Florida

2014 Nominations (Officers) Committee Officers can be nominated from the floor at summer conference business meetings. Succession of officers has been the tradition, with a new secretary/treasurer nominated in even-numbered years.

  • Chair: Scott Cancelosi, (AZ), ACR President
  • Member: Julie Yamaka (OR)

2014 Web Committee/Social Media Committee

  • Chair: Scott Cancelosi, (AZ)
  • Member: Jane Chaffin (VA) Member: Jeff Hague (DE)

2014 By-Laws Committee ACR President Scott Cancelosi emailed proposed amendments to the bylaws to the ACR Listserv on June 5, 2014, and emailed revised proposed amendments on June 23, 2014. The amendments will be discussed at the annual conference first business meeting on July 14, 2014, and voted on at the second business meeting on July 15, 2014.

2014 Survey Committee 

  • Chair: Standing Appointment ~ Kerry Radcliff, ACR VP, Editor, Office of the Code Reviser, Washington [/dropdown_box]

[dropdown_box expand_text=” ” show_more=”Speaker Biographies” show_less=”Hide” start=”hide”]

Speaker Biographies


Charley Barth serves as the 8th Director of the Federal Register. Reporting directly to the Archivist of the United States, he is responsible for providing access to the official text of Federal laws, Presidential documents, Administrative regulations, Notices, and Descriptions of Federal Organizations as well as their programs and activities. He is also the executive in charge of administering the Electoral College and the Constitutional amendment process. Mr. Barth was promoted to the Senior Executive Service in July of 2012.

Throughout his 20 year career, Mr. Barth has held a wide variety of positions across the United States Government. Mr. Barth began his career in Government service with the United States Senate where he worked as an intern for Senator Carl Levin (Michigan). Mr. Barth accepted a position with the Government as a contract specialist at the Naval Information Systems Management Center (NISMC) where he managed major Information Technology (IT) acquisitions. Mr. Barth next accepted a position with the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO) where he worked as a Program Manager and Subject Matter Expert in the Information Management (IM) program. Upon the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Mr. Barth accepted a position as the first Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act officer for DHS. Following his position with DHS, he accepted an offer from the DON to serve as the Director of Records under the Secretary of the Navy Staff.

Mr. Barth is a Senior Fellow for Ball State University. He is a Charter Member and was previously on the Board of Directors for the Federal Information and Records Managers (FIRM) Council. He was previously a member of the Federal Records Council and has received certification from NARA as a Federal Records Manager. He previously served as the Chairman on the Advisory Committee on the Electronic Records Archives (ACERA) for the Archivist of the United States. He serves on the Digital Government Institute’s E-Discovery, Records & Information Management Conference Education Advisory Committee. During his service to the Government, Mr. Barth has appeared in various periodicals including Federal Computer Week, Government Computer News and Government Executive. In 2007 his office was awarded the Archivist Achievement award by the National Archives for outstanding achievement in records management. In 2010, Mr Barth traveled to Iraq to assist the Joint Staff headquarters with record management activities. He was selected to assist United States Forces Iraq with preserving records of armed conflict from theater. In 2012, his office received the Harvard University bright idea award for innovative achievement with the Federal Register web site.

Mr. Barth was born and raised in Michigan and attended Ball State University on a full ride football scholarship. At Ball State he received his BS degree in Political Science with a minor in Military Science. Mr. Barth also attended Webster University and received a Master of Management degree in Procurement and Acquisitions Management. Mr. Barth and his wife Julie reside in Stafford, VA. They have two sons, Christian and Roman.

Leland E. (Lee) Beck served in all three branches of the United States government for over 30 years, predominantly as a Senior Counsel at the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. Lee retired from government service in 2011 and practices law in Washington, D.C., focusing on federal administrative rulemaking and adjudication and related litigation and government relations. Lee represents a wide variety of interests in their relations with the United States government, including State governments, corporations, and trade and other associations. Lee is also the author of the Federal Regulations Advisor blog: www.fedregsadvisor.com. Lee received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Kent State University, his J.D. from The American University, and his LL.M. from the Harvard Law School.


Emily S. Bremer is an Attorney Advisor of the Administrative Conference of the United States. Ms. Bremer was an associate in Wiley Rein LLP’s telecommunications and appellate litigation practice, where she litigated cases at the trial and appellate levels involving complex federal preemption, jurisdiction, administrative law, and constitutional issues.

She also represented clients in proceedings before the FCC, counseled telecommunications companies on the scope of their federal rights, and drafted amicus curiae briefs filed with federal appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Previously, Ms. Bremer served as law clerk to Hon. Andrew J. Kleinfeld of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Ms. Bremer graduated from New York University School of Law, where she was a student editor for the International Journal of Constitutional Law and the Executive Notes Editor of the Journal of Law & Liberty. Ms. Bremer received her undergraduate degree in Politics with honors from New York University, where she was an accomplished debater in the American Parliamentary Debate Association. She lives in Arlington with her husband, Dan, and their two adorable kitties.


Scott P. Cooper is vice president of government relations at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). In this position, Mr. Cooper serves as ANSI’s spokesperson and liaison to Federal, State and local government agencies and to Congress and congressional staff.

He supports the activities of the ANSI National Policy Committee and the ANSI Government Member Forum, working with the members of these committees to develop and advance the Institute’s positions and policies at all levels of government. In turn, he identifies and communicates to ANSI stakeholders emerging issues of importance for the standards and conformity assessment community.

Mr. Cooper joined ANSI staff in April 2007 with a broad range of experience in industry, not-for-profit organizations, academia and government. He has more than a decade of experience as a staff member in the U.S. House of Representatives and service at the Department of Commerce and also the Peace Corps As a member of the faculty at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, he taught courses on the modern global marketplace and worked on projects ranging from nanotechnology research to dispute resolution.

As a consultant, he worked to advance multi-industry healthcare reform. And as a former manager of global technology policy at Hewlett-Packard, he helped to develop and lead policy efforts in areas such as privacy, consumer redress and global governance. Mr. Cooper also served as a former director of global electronic commerce at the American Electronics Association and as a former manager of telecommunications policy at Intel.

Mr. Cooper holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economic history from the University of California at Berkeley and a Masters in political science from George Washington University. He and his wife, Sheila C. Bair, have two children; they reside in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.


Chris Drake is Deputy General Counsel to Governor Dannel P. Malloy (D) of Connecticut. Chris joined the Malloy Administration in March 2011. He previously was a litigator with a firm in Hartford, CT and before that worked as a clerk to a federal Magistrate Judge. He graduated the University of Connecticut School of Law (Hartford, CT) in 2005 and Fordham University (Bronx, NY), B.A. in Political Science, in 2002. He lives in Middletown, Connecticut, with his wife Rachel and daughter Brigid.

Chris is the business manager for Connecticut’s Regulations Modernization project.


Charles Fizer is a Senior Software Engineer at Fairfax Data Systems. He specializes in architecting and developing content management solutions, primarily with public sector clients. Charles holds certifications in IBM’s enterprise content management product suite. He graduated from Colby College (Waterville, ME) in 2005 with a B.S. in Computer Science. Charles is currently serving as the architect for Connecticut’s Regulations Modernization project.


Abigail M. Hammond is with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings, serving as counsel to the Rules Review Commission. In this position, she reviews rules promulgated by agencies and advises the Commission whether these rules are suitable for inclusion in the NC Administrative Code. Prior to working for the Office of Administrative Hearings, Abby worked for another state agency in a variety of roles ranging from adjudicating motions, clerking, serving as a rule coordinator, and serving as agency legal counsel.

Prior to living in Raleigh, NC, Abby practiced family law in the Nashville, TN area. Abby graduated from undergraduate school at Clemson University, and attended law school at the University of South Carolina School of Law and as a visiting student at Vanderbilt Law School.


Waldo Jaquith is the director of the U.S. Open Data Institute. Previously, he worked in open data with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. In 2011, in acknowledgement of his open data work, Jaquith was named a “Champion of Change” by the White House and, in 2012, an “OpenGov Champion” by the Sunlight Foundation. He lives near Charlottesville, Virginia, with his wife and son.


Seamus Kraft is the Executive Director of The OpenGov Foundation (www.OpenGovFoundation.org), a fiercely non-partisan, non-profit transforming the process and policy of our democracy for the Internet Age. He steers two pathbreaking software projects reinventing local, state, and federal government. Madison – the leading digital policymaking platform in the United States – and AmericaDecoded.org – the first ever free, modern, online law library built for everyday Americans.

Combining his passions for technology, education, and public service, Seamus co-founded OpenGov with U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa to help citizens be heard by their elected officials and government workers fulfill their responsibilities with the  most user friendly tools possible. From 2009 to 2012, he served as Director of Digital Strategy and Press Secretary for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, where he was named one of the “20 Most Innovative People in Democracy” by TechCrunch.

When not working at The OpenGov Foundation, Seamus reads voraciously, golfs passably, and catches every Phish concern he can. A native of Marblehead, MA, Seamus studied classical political philosophy, scholastic theology, and military history at Georgetown University. Email him at Seamus@OpenGovFoundation.org.

Kimberly Leung is a Consultant at Fairfax Data Systems. She specializes in translating functional requirements into tangible, user-centric IT solutions through project management and business analysis. Kim graduated from Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) in 2010 with a B.A. in Sociology. She is currently serving as the project manager for Connecticut’s Regulations Modernization project.

Molly Masich manages and directs the production and publication of the North Carolina Register and the North Carolina Administrative Code, and manages the administrative support to the Rules Review Commission. She also serves as a liaison between OAH and the General Assembly, the Office of State Budget and Management, and state agencies in rulemaking aspects. She carries out all other rulemaking responsibilities of the office and serves as the Codifier on behalf of the Chief Administrative Law Judge. Molly is a graduate of UNC-W with a degree in Criminal Justice, a Certified Public Manager, and a member of the national organization for administrative codes and registers (ACR).

Amber Cronk May is with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings, serving as counsel to the Rules Review Commission. In that position, she reviews rules promulgated by agencies and advises the Commission whether these rules are suitable for inclusion in the NC Administrative Code. Prior to working for the Office of Administrative Hearings, Amber was employed with another state agency, working closely with rules. Amber graduated from Meredith College and NC Central School of Law.

Amanda J. Reeder is with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings, serving as counsel to the Rules Review Commission. In this position, she reviews rules promulgated by agencies and advises the Commission whether these rules are suitable for inclusion in the NC Administrative Code. Prior to working for the Office of Administrative Hearings, Amanda worked for a state agency as a rulemaking coordinator for four years. Prior to learning the joys of the NC Administrative Code, Amanda was in private practice. Amanda graduated from UNC Chapel Hill (Go Heels!) and NC Central School of Law.

David Suess is the CEO and Chief Architect at Fairfax Data Systems. With 15+ years of experience in IT consulting, David has collaborated with a range of public sector entities to implement streamlined, content-driven solutions. He has led data migration, data capture, and case management engagements at various agencies at the state and local levels within Massachusetts, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois and Rhode Island. David graduated from Villanova University (Villanova, PA) with a B.S. in Computer Science. He is currently serving as the engagement director for Connecticut’s Regulations Modernization project.

Dr. Jim Tozzi served in five Presidential Administrations, four of which he was a regulatory official in the White House Office Management and Budget where he was instrumental in initiating the centralized review of agency regulations. He has degrees in chemical engineering, business and economics.



Agenda Mobile Friendly ~ Click here.

Business Meetings Mobile Friendly ~ Click here.

ACR Thanks Our NASS Corporate Affiliates
  • Bloomberg BNA
  • West a Thomson Reuters Business
  • Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
2014 ACR Conference
  • Thomson Reuters Survey Sponsor
  • LexisNexis Monday, July 14 Dinner Sponsor, more info…
  • Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Wednesday, July 16 Afternoon Break Sponsor

ATTENDANCE ~ Tentative

  1. Charley Barth (Federal Register)
  2. Crystal Bryant (Wolters Kluwer)
  3. Amy Bunk (Federal Register)
  4. Scott Cancelosi (AZ)ACR President
  5. Emily Caudill (KY) – ACR Secretary/Treasurer
  6. Jane Chaffin (VA)Program Committee co-chair
  7. Chris Coffman (OK)
  8. Judy Cooper (WV)
  9. Joe DeLuca (NC)
  10. Christopher Drake (CT)
  11. Charles Fizer (Fairfax Data Systems)
  12. Lori Garza (ID)
  13. Ken Hansen (UT)Colborn Committee Chair
  14. Brian Kennedy (LexisNexis)
  15. Stephanie Hoff (IA)
  16. Bruce Hoesly (WI)
  17. Kathy Hough (Wolters Kluwer)
  18. Denise Kipfstuhl (Thomson Reuters)
  19. Gail Klakring (MD)
  20. Kim Leung (Fairfax Data Systems)
  21. Cliff Li (eRegulations.us)
  22. Deanna Maiolo (CO)
  23. John Martinez (Federal Register)
  24. Molly Masich (NC)
  25. Amber May (NC)
  26. Scott Meriwether (AK)
  27. Keith Perine (Bloomberg BNA)
  28. Karen Perrine (VA)
  29. Kerry Radcliff (WA)ACR Vice President
  30. Amanda Reeder (NC)
  31. Victor Reid (DC)
  32. Yvette Smallwood (DE)
  33. David Suess (Fairfax Data Systems)
  34. Linda Trujillo (NM)
  35. Don Wismer (ME)
  36. Julie Yamaka (OR)Program Committee co-chair

2014 Winter Meeting [Archive]


Meeting Info

Helpful Links


Online: ACR members, guests, corporate affiliates and corporate sponsors can pre-register online.
Please Note: Attendees representing a company should register as “corporate non-members” or contact Stacy Dodd at (202) 624-3525 about becoming a NASS Corporate Affiliate.
If you sign up as a corporate non-member, please contact an ACR officer as your name does not appear on the ACR registration list.
In-Person: You may register onsite at the conference hotel on Feb. 12, 2014.


JW Marriott
1331 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW Washington, D.C. 20004

Mention NASS when booking room.

Room Rate: $184 per night, plus tax. The conference room rate is guaranteed until Wednesday, January 22, 2014, unless the block sells out before that date.

Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card payment.
Room reservations must be cancelled 24 hours before the scheduled arrival date to avoid late charges.

Attendees are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to and from the hotel.


Friday night’s 7 p.m. dinner is being sponsored by Bloomberg BNA. Reservations are required. Contact Karen J. Schneider, Manager, EHS Federal, State, Canada Full-Text @ 703-341-3746.

View the menu here.
13th Street
Between E and F Street
DC 20004
(202) 464 4461


It’s Survey Time Again

We are gathering information for the summer conference. Please fill out this survey form.
Click here to take ACR Summer Conference survey

We are also gathering information for the ACR State/Federal Survey

It has been two years since the last survey was produced. At that time we updated information that was contained in a web-based survey created by Jane Chaffin. If you completed the survey two years ago, you will be able to edit the information you entered then, which should make this update much easier.

Below you will find the web address to access two separate surveys – one for the Administrative Register and the other for the Administrative Code.  Please be sure to complete both surveys. Even if you do not publish a Register or Code, please complete the first page of both surveys.

A few things to note regarding the survey:

1. Each survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

2. You must click the “Next” button at the bottom of each page to record your responses for that page

3. You do not have to complete the survey(s) in a single session. If you are interrupted while taking the survey or need time to find information in your files, the survey allows you to return at a later date to complete any remaining questions. Close your browser to exit the survey (it is best to finish a page and then click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to make sure your responses are recorded). The next time you log in, you will be taken to the place you left off.

4. After you have completed the final question and clicked the “Finish” button, you can return to the survey to change any of your responses, if needed. To do this, click on the survey web address and log in. You will receive a message that says you have already taken the survey. Click the Edit icon (contains a pencil on a page) to the left of the survey creation date, and you will be allowed to edit any questions by moving through the survey using the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen.

5. CONTACT ACR VP Kerry Radcliff for your survey password, or refer to the listserve e-mail sent March 11, 2014.

6. To access the surveys, either click on the link below or copy and paste the web address into your browser:


7. Once you log in, click “Surveys” in the upper left-hand corner of the screen,

If you completed the survey questions two years ago, that information is still stored and just needs to be updated.  You will receive a message that says you have already taken the survey. Click the Edit icon to the right of the survey creation date, and you will be allowed to edit any questions by moving through the survey using the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen.  Please do not click the “Click here” button, that will create a new survey.

8. If there is someone else should respond to one or both surveys for your state, please forward this request to them and provide them with the survey URL, the username and password. Thank you for doing this!

9. Please complete the surveys by April 23, 2014. Completion by this date should give me enough time to compile the responses and have the survey printed and available at the summer conference in July.

10. A copy of the printed survey will be made available free of charge to those states that complete the survey. After April 23, 2014, online access to the survey responses will be limited to those states that have responded.

If you have any questions or difficulties with the survey applications, please contact me directly. Thank you so much for your cooperation and assistance.


Kerry S. Radcliff, ACR VP

2014 Winter Business Meeting Agenda


JW Marriott Hotel

Washington, DC

February 13-15, 2014

ACR Business Meeting Agenda

Thursday, February 13, 2014

1. Welcome
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. ACR Expenditures for Alaska Summer Conference (Travel, AV, speakers, etc.)
Award – Plaquemaker.com $  127.46
Labor & Electricity Dena’ina, $250/day @ 3 days $  750.00
Total Conference Expenditures $  877.46

ACR  allotted us $3,000 from the NASS conference budget.

b. Report submitted by Secretary/Treasurer, Emily Caudill
3. State and Federal Survey
a. Use same format and questions as last update? Changes/Additions?
b. Suggestions from Vice President Kerry Radcliff to use a new survey method. Current method is being maintained by Jane Chaffin’s IT department. Use a survey engine with longevity to it such as Survey Monkey?
4. ACR Website Updates
a. Current service, reimbursement to Jeff Hague, Delaware
b. Service through same company as NASS? No reimbursement check.
5. ACR Archives
a. It has been suggested to the ACR president through a few members that ACRs paper documents be archived.
b. Archives Committee? Or just Secretary/Treasurer duty?
c. NASS archives its documents at the Missouri State Archives. Stacy Dodd said we can archive our information in Missouri if we choose to do so.
6. Summer Conference
a. Who plans to attend?
b. Agenda – What would you like to see on the agenda?
c. Who would like to be on the committees?
Awards Committee – Chair ?
Officer’s/Representatives Nominations Committee – Chair?
Program Committee – Chair ?
7. Other Business and Open Discussion
a. Retirements, Mike White
b. List of Service and documentation
c. Recognition
8. Adjourn

ACR Founder Passes

Robert J. Colborn, former administrator of the Maryland Division of State Documents, the founder of Administrative Codes and Registers, a generous and kind spirit, and a dear friend passed away on January 23, 2014.  Bob’s obituary is available at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/capitalgazette/obituary.aspx?n=robert-colborn&pid=169365211. ACR has prepared a memorial page at http://www.administrativerules.org/colborn/.