2010 ACR President Seeks Input

It hardly seems possible, but 2010 is just around the corner and ACR conference planning has already begun.
I am very happy to report that Emily Caudill (KY) has agreed to be program chair for the 2010 Summer Conference. Rounding out the program committee are Elizabeth Palin (VA) and Debbie Ritzko (NY). I wantto thank Emily, Elizabeth and Debbie for agreeing to take on this project!
They have been pouring over the 2009 conference program evaluations and are excited about putting together the best summer program possible. Please feel free to contact any of them with program ideas or suggestions.
Before we get to the Summer Conference, however, we’ll have the winter meeting in Washington DC, January 28 – February 1, 2010. Please feel free to contact me if you have any session ideas for the winter meeting.
The 2010 Awards Committee will be chaired by Jane Chaffin (VA), Jane, who is Registrar of Regulations forthe Virginia Code Commission, along with the Virginia Division of Legislative Services, were the winners of the 2009 Colborn Award. Assisting Jane on the 2010 Awards Committee will be Candy Herring (CO) and Molly Masich (NC). Thank you to Jane, Candy and Molly for agreeing to be next year’s Awards Committee! Now I need all of you to think about the 2010 Colborn Award possibilities now so that you’ll be ready with your nominations when they solicit ACR for those in the spring.
Finally, to all of ACR, I’d like to know what your 2010 looks like. Please respond directly to me at:
julie.a.yamaka@state.or.us and let me know if you are planning to attend either the Winter Meeting in Washington DC, or the Summer Conference in Providen
ce, Rhode Island or both.
Julie Yamaka, ACR President