Join ACR

Types of Memberships

ACR Members Governmental
These include members from the:
Executive branch,
Legislative branch, and
Government agencies

Rule editors and publishers, reviewers, legal counsel, and state agency rule writers round out today’s governmental membership.

ACR Members Nongovernmental
Non-voting members of ACR include members from the private sector and institutions to include:
Rule and law publishers,
Compilers, and
Database editors.

Nongovernmental memberships include:

  • NASS/ACR Corporate Affiliate: These are corporations who are registered with the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) as a corporate affiliate.
    The levels for a yearly corporate affiliate include: Platinum,  Gold, and Silver. Contact Stacy Dodd at (202) 624-3525  about becoming a NASS Corporate Affiliate.
    For more information visit
  • NASS/ACR Corporate Sponsor: These are companies who sponsor conferences at different levels – from $5,000 up to $20,000. Contact Stacy Dodd at (202) 624-3525  about becoming Summer Conference Sponsor.
  • NASS/ACR Corporate Member: These are companies that are not registered with NASS as a corporate affiliate or corporate sponsor but still want to participate at the ACR winter meeting or summer conference. Some of these members still support ACR by sponsoring an event, or a breakfast, lunch or dinner that are not on the agenda.

A NASS/ACR corporate affiliate and/or sponsor membership has an advantage as the company pays less to sign up for a meeting or conference. Attendees representing a company that are NOT a NASS corporate affiliate or sponsor should register as “corporate non-members.”


Networking among state rules personnel is an important objective of ACR.

  • The Google Group is one way to network with members.
  • Attending ACR meetings and conferences are another way to interact and learn from members.

Conferences focus on legal issues in rulemaking; printing, marketing, and distribution strategies; rules review; and advances in computer and publication technology. Sessions include panels, demonstrations, and speakers of national reputation.

Conference dates, schedules and registration fees are posted on this website.

How do I Join ACR?

To learn more about becoming a member, contact us.

Get involved
ACR has many ways in which you can contribute to the organization. The officers encourage participation at all levels, whether it be working on a committee or corporate sponsorship of an event at our meetings or conferences. Simply contact one of our officers for more information.